Early on the morning of the 27th a few persons without any interruption on the south side of the Colony house and within forty paces of it erected a Gallows theron placing the effigys of Mr Howard Mr Johnson and me with very scurrilous scandalous and defamatory labels fixed in the hands and upon the breast of the figures. At Eleven in the forenoon when the Governor and others of authority with the freeholders went into the Court house there was no concourse of people or acclamation and this Theatre and figures were guarded only by Samuel Vernon William Ellery and Robert Crook who walkd under and before it in muffled big coats flappd hats and bludgeons. Towards five in the afternoon the chief contrivers shewd some uneasiness Jealousie and fear least the rabble should not assemble therefore they sent into the street strong Drink in plenty with Cheshire cheese and other provocatives to intemperance and riot. By these means the mob was collected and after sunset the figures were cut down and burnt on the spot.
Next day it was the general opinion that this extraordinary Tribunal of Justice was fully satisfied but a little past eight o'clock in the evening the chief ring leaders of yesterdays spectacle rushd into the streets with a chosen band of Ruffians at their heels having their faces painted and being prepard and furnishd with broad axes and other tools of desolation proceeded huzzaing to the house of Mr Howard which they forcibly entred destroying and demolishing all his furniture instantly dashing into pieces all his china looking glasses &c then stripping and plundring every apartment of every article carrying off all his wearing apparell bed and table Linnen in the most open daring and unrestraind manner, then breaking into his Cellars drank wasted and carried away all his wines and other liquors. From Mr Howards they repaird to my house split open the doors committing the same acts of violence pillage and rage in every point and instance and were even so brutal after hewing down the mahogany cases as to throw what books they could not carry of or otherwise destroy into the well with all my writings Physical instruments and many other articles which I highly valued. Towards eleven at night they entred Mr. Howards house again cleaving to bits all the doors and casements tore up all the floors hearths and chimneys leaving the house a miserable shell only. From thence they roard up to my house where the same scene of ruin was repeated and committed exactly. Now the Ringleaders and their adherents were intoxicated and heated even to a thirst of blood and a parole for discovering us was now given out in form but they could by no means learn where we were. The rabble also surrounded Mr Johnsons house but were diverted from destroying it by an assurance solemnly given that He should renounce the stamp office to morrow for ever.
Next day it was the general opinion that this extraordinary Tribunal of Justice was fully satisfied but a little past eight o'clock in the evening the chief ring leaders of yesterdays spectacle rushd into the streets with a chosen band of Ruffians at their heels having their faces painted and being prepard and furnishd with broad axes and other tools of desolation proceeded huzzaing to the house of Mr Howard which they forcibly entred destroying and demolishing all his furniture instantly dashing into pieces all his china looking glasses &c then stripping and plundring every apartment of every article carrying off all his wearing apparell bed and table Linnen in the most open daring and unrestraind manner, then breaking into his Cellars drank wasted and carried away all his wines and other liquors. From Mr Howards they repaird to my house split open the doors committing the same acts of violence pillage and rage in every point and instance and were even so brutal after hewing down the mahogany cases as to throw what books they could not carry of or otherwise destroy into the well with all my writings Physical instruments and many other articles which I highly valued. Towards eleven at night they entred Mr. Howards house again cleaving to bits all the doors and casements tore up all the floors hearths and chimneys leaving the house a miserable shell only. From thence they roard up to my house where the same scene of ruin was repeated and committed exactly. Now the Ringleaders and their adherents were intoxicated and heated even to a thirst of blood and a parole for discovering us was now given out in form but they could by no means learn where we were. The rabble also surrounded Mr Johnsons house but were diverted from destroying it by an assurance solemnly given that He should renounce the stamp office to morrow for ever.
Source: Excerpt of Dr. Thomas Moffat to Joseph Harrison. October 16, 1765. Chalmers Papers, New York Public Library.